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Account Details 

Account name : Potters House Church

BSB : 084 261

ACC : 24 825 9411

Giving is a principle that is taught thoughout the entire Bible. When we tithe and give, we are expressing worship in a tangible way by putting God first in our lives, all while allowing us to be apart of the most important work in life that is spreading the "Good news of Jesus Christ"!

Our mission is to reach lost souls for Jesus and it is made possible by God's grace and by your generosity. We extend our utmost graditude in advance for your charitable contribution to The Potters House Christian Church Caboolture. Every dollar you give reaches the local community by us reaching out and also to a number of nations around the world.

The Potters House is a non-profit, dedicated to reaching people with the Gospel. Give now and make an investment that will last for eternity.

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